Cuckquean Wife Humiliation

My name is Ron. I have been with my current girlfriend cuckquean wife humiliation for a little over two years now and things have been great. She is pretty good looking dark curly hair nice curvy legs big tits not the ungodly huge kind but big enough to get a good handful when we are getting dirty with each other and a very dirty mind in bed. All this turned out to be great for me since I am kinda a freak myself.
We had been together about three months when I discovered her submissive side. She liked me to call her my little bitch spank her and with a little coaxing from me she even started calling me master. She would let me do just about anything I wanted to her in bed.
However our escapades in bed was it. She never let it out of the bedroom and in fact would try to get rather controlling in the rest of our day to day lives. this all changed about 7 months ago to my great benefit and That my friends is where our story begins.
It happened on what would be a otherwise normal day at the job I have at a truck stop. I was Working a graveyard shift and since we live in Oregon I had just come outside to pump gas for a rather rude customer.
Well of course his credit card would not work on the pump so I informed him he would have to go inside to pay this did not make him happy he got out murmuring something about me being a lazy ass as he went inside.
I continued and filled his truck with gas and just as I was finishing he came back out and got in his rig my cashier came over the radio and informed me that he had paid so I put the gas cap on and as I did his engine started and before I could even close the fuel door he took off so quickly the fuel door slammed shut from the forward motion and the tires spun out. When he did that it sent a pebble that had been on the ground into the side of my head.
The pain felt like I had been hit by a train in that spot. It took all I had not to fall over right there I felt different it was like I could feel the space around me I stumbled over to my car one of my coworkers alice came over and freaked out when she saw blood running out of that spot.
I knew how she felt but not like you think I mean I actually could feel her emotions almost like he was inside her head as a matter of fact I felt quite sure I could see thru her eyes if I tried so I did try and realized I could In fact see thru her eyes and thought that might be somehow useful later but right then even with how much my head hurt I wanted to explore what was happening right now.
Then this random customer went out the doors to his car and I could sense him I felt I could do exactly what I had with alice but thought better of it Alice would be way better to experiment with. So with that thought I jumped straight back into Alice’s mind I wanted to try the next step controlling her mind. So I begun to tell her brain that she wanted to offer to buy me a soda to help me feel better . and before I could even finish thinking it she made the offer. I accepted and she ran to get it.
When she returned I wanted to see if I could make her forget things that have happened so I started trying to make her forget about buying me the soda then I gave her a ten dollar bill and asked her to get me a soda and she did when she came back and I was drinking the first one she brought she asked how I got it. Fuck yes so far this is amazing.
I could do anything with this I thought. That’s when I decided to have some fun I told alice in her head that she wanted to show me her tits that she just wanted to do it right then and now. I could tell it had worked she squirmed a little then lifted her shirt and shook her tits at me. Holy shit I thought I I told Alice’s brain to for get that last bit. The rest of the night I refrained from using my new found abilities. But I wanted to the whole time. Seven o’clock came and I went home thinking of all the things I could have my way about.

When I pulled up to the house and went inside I found cuckquean wife humiliation still asleep as I entered the room she got irritated and told me to be quiet. It pissed me off I thought to myself I am tired of that part of her attitude and now that I can change it she will be acting how I want starting right now. I jumped strait into her head and told her she should be ashamed of how she just spoke to me that I am her master and she needs to show me some respect.
I continued to tell her to get up apologize and make me breakfast right this moment. I did this while I was angry and found myself almost yelling in her head. The effect was immediate she got strait up looked into my eyes and apologized then asked if I was hungry I said ya then she offered to make me bacon and eggs. I smile and said that would be great. And she hurried off to the kitchen.
I spent the next half hour or so while she was cooking thinking about what I wanted to do with my powers and before I could help it I found myself thinking about all the fantasy’s I had that I knew she would never go for.
The big one was that I wanted to cuckquean cuckquean wife humiliation to make her sit back and watch me fuck another girl in front of her. Even better I wanted to do it with one of the girls around town that I knew she hated I thought this would be a huge turn on since it would be totally humiliating to her to have to watch her enemy fuck the love of her life right in front of her. So when she came back from the kitchen with my breakfast I started to put my plan into action.
I dove straight into her mind and begun making her want to be humiliated filling her with the idea that seeing me fuck some other girl would be hot. Then I filled her with the Want to ask me if I would go along with it. And almost immediately she asked if she could ask me something crazy.
I knowingly said of course. And it bust from her mouth like a dam had burst. Baby if I can make it happen would you be OK with fucking another girl in front of me. I of course was already in her head telling her give in to anything I wanted to get me to go along with it. I turned and looked at her and said that’s kinda a strange request and if she was sure.
She said she was totally sure and that she would do anything if I said yes. I told her I would do it but I had to be able to choose what girl. And if I was gonna go long with this for her she needed to understand that she is my complete slave at all times not just in bed and she was to obey my commands even when she did not want to. She answered by saying OK you got it so quickly I almost could not believe it.

So I started thinking about it and I knew almost immediately who I wanted it to be. Tiffany was a cute blonde hair blue eyed knockout I had been roommates with when me and cuckquean wife humiliation got together and if it had not been for having a boyfriend when we lived together I would have rather got with her instead cuckquean wife humiliation thought this was the case so they had been hostile to each other.
I tried to see if I could reach Tiffany’s mind from where I was and realized I had no problem doing it that’s when I realized I could reach the mind of anyone in the world from anywhere so I set to work making tiffany want what I had in mind I made sure to impress on Tiffany’s mind that cuckquean wife humiliation was to be completely humiliated.then I turned to cuckquean wife humiliation with a smile on my face and said. OK you can eat later babe I am ready to do this. Call tiffany and set it up for me.
The look on cuckquean wife humiliation’s face was priceless as she realized she was about to have to call her worst enemy and ask her to fuck me while she watched. she started to give me a pity look and I told her. Dammit bitch obey your master now or I will get my belt out. cuckquean wife humiliation who’s mind I had obviously programmed well jumped straight to her feet apologized and went to make the call. after only a few minutes cuckquean wife humiliation returned to say tiffany would be here within a half hour.
I then told cuckquean wife humiliation to get in the shower shave her pussy and do her make up. Cause my slaves need to be presentable when my lover gets here.

Tiffany arrived a little late. cuckquean wife humiliation answered the door when she got here and tiffany knowing that cuckquean wife humiliation was to be humiliated and had to obey gave handed her two packages and told her to put them up they where for later and to hurry back with a drink for her asap. Tiffany then entered my bedroom.
She looking fucking hot and the outfit she was wearing was perfect she was wearing these really short work out shorts and a red bikini top and sandals. I knew she had picked this outfit for a reason back when we lived together cuckquean wife humiliation had come over and been pissed she was wearing that around me. Now she was coming over to fuck me right in front of her and she was gonna be a good little bitch about it.
I offered tiffany the breakfast cuckquean wife humiliation had not been able to eat yet and she took it. And said she couldn’t wait to get even with cuckquean wife humiliation. So she would love to eat her breakfast. Right then cuckquean wife humiliation walked in with Tiffany’s drink upon seeing her eating her food she had a disappointed look but said nothing just brought her her drink then sat down on the bed.
Tiffany shot her a death glare and said get your ass off that bed!! He is my man till I leave so keep your ugly fat ass away unless I say otherwise. Your lucky you even get to fucking watch you little slut. I smiled tiffany was doing great. cuckquean wife humiliation got off the bed looked around said sorry mistress and sat on the floor. I thought to myself wow I programmed that into her well.
Tiffany put the food down and crossed the room to my bed as she did she removed her top giving me a full look at her small pink nipples.I was already rock hard watching this and Tiffany reached out and grabbed my cock thru my jeans then started unbuttoning them I responded by hooking my thumbs on either side and under both her shorts and panties then pulled them down to her ankles in one motion revealing her bald pink mound she stepped out of them and kicked my jeans and boxers aside then stepped into bed with me as she removed my shirt.
We lay their exploring each others body for a few minutes before Tiffany looked me in the eye and said you wanna see what I brought for our entertainment? She then looked at cuckquean wife humiliation and said go get those packages I came in with its time for us to teach you your role bitch.
cuckquean wife humiliation disappeared from the room and returned less then a minute later holding two packages. Tiffany told cuckquean wife humiliation to hand me the small box and to put on the clothes that where in the big box.
I opened the small box and found it to be a remote then cuckquean wife humiliation pulled out the items in her box and found it to be a strangely shaped pair of panties and a bra that had a key spot in each cuckquean wife humiliation started changing into the outfit while tiffany explained that once she tightened the key down cuckquean wife humiliation would have no access to her pussy therefore not being able to get herself off. She also explained that my remote allowed me to simulate either pain or pleasure to her pussy or tits when ever I wanted.
I laughed as Tiffany tightened cuckquean wife humiliation’s chastity device. Tiffany then return to my bed this time I took her and laid her down below me it was time to get this show on the road I brought her here for me to fuck now I needed to take that shit.
I pressed her legs apart and lowered myself into her tiffany moaned with pleasure and cuckquean wife humiliation let out and small whimper I looked over and seen her rubbing her panties but you could tell for the way she was getting irritated and frazzled that the panties where doing their job good cause she was obviously not getting any release.
I started speeding up fucking Tiffany’s till I had a good rhythm going. Then I felt Tiffany’s grip on me tighten and her wrap her legs around my back and start pulling me into her as hard as she could. then I felt her shudder she was orgasming I spend up even more till I felt that familiar feeling that signaled my coming orgasm then I drove deep into her and blew my load in her.
Tiffany started to freak out and said she was not on birth control I laughed and said it’s OK I have the perfect solution. I looked over at cuckquean wife humiliation sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed like a obedient dog. And said cuckquean wife humiliation get up here and make yourself useful lick my lover clean.
Then get back in your place on the floor. As I sat back and watched I could not help but think that I needed to get her a dog collar and maybe a cage and water and food bowl. After all making her act like a dog was my next fantasy. But whatever I did I knew I had only started enjoying the things I could do to cuckquean wife humiliation.