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What is a Cuckquean ? My Cuckquean Adventures can be found here. If your trying to find a unicorn try :Finding a Unicorn No1 Tips You Will Love .
To put it simply in English it refers to a female whose fetish is watching, and or participating while deriving sexual pleasure from watching her man having sex with one or several women besides her.
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A Cuckquean is aware of her man’s activity, most times she is the one actively encouraging it as she is the one who derives sexual pleasure from it.
There are many different forms of the Cuckquean as a fetish, we will discuss a few below.
If the fetish is a simply heterosexual one then the female only has sex only with her partner or she will not be involved at all preferring instead to simply watch the action or hear about it from her partner.
When the fetish is bi-sexual in nature then the female has sex with both her husband and the other woman.
The Cuckquean fetish specifics can range wildly in variations. The male in the Cuckquean relationship and his lovers can treat the Cuckquean lovingly often participating in a triad relationship.
Sometimes it involves just swinging or simply swapping husbands or sharing a lover. Other forms of being a Cuckquean are the opposite to the male Cuckold which involves humiliating the Cuckquean.

I only realised I enjoyed this with my current partner. We have been together 16yrs and I use to fantasise about him with other ladies. Having total trust with no insecurities within our relationship has allowed us to explore and enjoy the Cuckquean scene.
Seeing him give pleasure and receive pleasure from other ladies while I watch turns me on immensely and I fix myself up while I watch.
Just the thought of it gets me going. One thing that ide say differs from most is the fact we refrain from actual intercourse with the other lady. Its like that’s the one thing we keep to ourselves and not share(yet) lol.
Although that thought gets me going too but its our only boundary for now. Everything else is on the table and still leaves plenty of satisfying things to do and watch.
Just wish we had more opportunities to play this way as on all the sites were on they are all talk.
I am fingering my pussy right now as I look at these pictures and imagine my husband’s big cock sliding into a tight pink pussy.
I think about it all the time. I wish he would fuck other women and let me watch. I just don’t know how to tell him.
I didn’t even know there was a word to describe a woman like me. Not until I found your site.
Definition – What does Cuckqueen mean?
A cuckquean is a woman who is sexually aroused by her partner engaging in sex or sexual activity with another partner with her knowledge.
The pleasure derived from the activity is masochistic in nature and might include a humiliation component or the cuckquean will also actively participate in a bisexual nature.
Kinky explains Cuckquean
The term cuckqueen is derived from the term cuckold which means a man whose wife or partner is adulterous. In this instance, the meaning varies slightly because the female in question is not being deceived or lied to but is, in fact, complicit in the activity and gets turned on by being informed of what is happening or watching the action.
Cuckquean Quotes
“The things I most want (except from actually watching him with another woman) are to see him flirting, kissing, dancing with her, to watch the desire in their faces for each other and know that I trust him and I know he’s still mine.
I don’t want to be humiliated or submissive to the other woman. I’d rather it was just like someone we got to know, became our friend but neither of us knew first. Who appreciated that I let her fuck my man as much as I would appreciate her help satisfying him (and me).”
“Fast forward to last Saturday night. We attended what’s called SexCentric night at our local sex positive center (BSPC). As the night progresses we end up fucking. As he is driving into me I suddenly see this picture in my head. A vision of what I thought it looked like when he was with her.
I found myself stimulated by the vision. As I was thinking to myself “Holy hell, what is happening to my body?”, the words just came out. I told him. I told him I wanted to watch him fuck her.
And I meant it! Suddenly he was telling me about it. Giving me details……details from him fucking a girl 30 years younger than I am.
I didn’t know how to process what was happening to my body as he was telling me. I felt sensations inside me I had never experienced before.
It was like nerve ending coming to life. When he stopped telling me I begged him for more. I looked in his eyes and it was as if we escaped reality. Suddenly it was just the 2 of us, even though we were being watched by others.
As he shared detail after detail my tension built to a level I would have sworn at that moment was what heaven must feel like, even though I was dancing with the devil. The intensity of my orgasm rocked me to my core.”
“It’s only really been just over two years since I found the term Cuckquean and kind of pinpointed exactly what my ‘kink’ is, before that I figured I was this sexual mismash bi/ bi curious/ experimental/ liked threesomes/ open minded and curious girl.
How I came on the term is irrelevant but looking back I see I had these traits from a fairly early age and I’d like to share what I recall and see if anyone else share or shared anything slightly similar.
1. Growing up I’d hear my friends sexual experiences at a time when I was not sexually active yet, I’d push for every detail possible then re live their story at home in the privacy of my room
2. I honestly thought group sex was normal in every relationship until I was in my early/ mid twenties
3. I have a hard time dealing with jealousy when it comes to physical sex, I have to really think deeply to empathise why people get upset with it…. flirt mentallly however and I’m all over it.
4. I’ve always been deeply visually stimulated, as a teen I’d swipe a neighbours fathers x rated videos -yes videos- all 80s/90s titles and watch them over and over. Always imagined the said couple had invited me to be there, somehow to watch and learn or the likes.
5. For a while in my teens I thought and waited for one of my friends to ‘lend’ me her boyfriend.. after all I would of done it for them. Again it took a while to realise this wouldn’t happen but I lived in hope and considered it just normal.
6. Late teens/ early twenties I had a regular FFM threesome group, I was never left out but found myself isolating intentionally just to watch or excuse myself only to then attempt to have either of the others relive what had happened back to me in quite fine detail. Sometimes I’d set it all up then not show or leave as it started knowing it wouldn’t be not fulfilled.
7. One of my greatest joys was finding a now ex boyfriends digital camera, full of intimate photos/ very short videos of he and a previous girlfriend. I actually stole the camera for quite a while and would just go through the scenes over and over in complete ecstasy. Never once upsetting me but, well getting me there 🙂 and I still love the memory.
8. It’s been myself pushing or brining up conversation about including another female into 3 relationships including with my now husband.
9. I’ve been known at times to attempt to recreate my partners past sexual experiences with other women.
To the point where I’ll try to emulate how someone’s moved (yes I ask how they screw) their noise levels, positions and even how they were dressed or levels of undress.
With the point of me bettering the woman in question, yet somehow sharing that moment.”
“I’ve been into the idea of being a Cuckquean for years, and have had threesomes or ‘partner swapping’ with previous partners. I’ve been in my current relationship for almost two years and we’ve always been honest about what we like. He knows this is a strong fantasy for me.
I think he still considers it cheating and says he doesn’t think he could do it in real life.
But we talk about it a lot, about particular women, or about even ex partners he’s had, or even just nameless faceless women whilst we have sex.
I’m getting a little frustrated with it being the same, and also he tells me he does it for me, he doesn’t really want to sleep with the women we talk about. So now it doesn’t have the same effect. He’s so conditioned to be a ‘good guy’ and I love him for it, but he just hasn’t quite got to grips with it not being cheating etc. What he calls his morals I think is more just society’s conditioning.
He is open to trying more steps in the area as he knows I enjoy it, and would do the same for him as far as I could until I reached my limits.
I was wondering if you guys and gals had any ideas of things we could do in the meantime, to try it out a bit more, before we get another person involved. Some ideas we could try to see how he feels about it, to get him to feel more comfortable with it in general and hopefully understand that it doesn’t have to be about ‘not cheating’ on each other.
I’d love to one day be able to take him to a bar or something and watch him dance win a woman, flirt with her, kiss her and take her home. But I think if that ever happens it’ll be a long way off so I’m looking for any baby steps to help him get used to it and to give me something to cure my frustration a bit!
I’ve had some ideas like:
Calling me someone else’s name
Online talking to women together and flirting, then him talking to them alone, sexting, pictures maybe. But I think even that is too far towards ‘real cheating’ for him, to be a first step.
And we often watch cuckquean porn or any porn and he tells me about the women in it.
The things I most want (except from actually watching him with another woman) are to see him flirting, kissing, dancing with her, to watch the desire in their faces for each other and know that I trust him and I know he’s still mine.
I don’t want to be humiliated or submissive to the other woman. I’d rather it was just like someone we got to know, became our friend but neither of us knew first. Who appreciated that I let her fuck my man as much as I would appreciate her help satisfying him (and me the cuckquean).”